Step by step instructions, pictures, and video for playing Cat’s Cradle with string.
This is a two person string game that involves creating three shapes that transfer back and forth between two people. The object is to see how long you can keep it going without messing it up.
VIDEO: If you need a real time visual, I have a video with these step by step instructions on how to do Cat’s Cradle . If you click over to the video now, please and give me a Youtube THUMBS UP! Thanks! (video also embedded at the end of this article).
Here are the steps to play Cat’s Cradle:
Step 1:
Lay the loop string on top of both of your friend’s wrists. Take the lower string from the inside of the left wrist and wrap it up and to the outside around the wrist once. Repeat on right hand using the lower inside string.

Step 2:
The friend will use her middle finger to pick up the opposite string from each wrist. This is the first position and is actually the “cat’s cradle”. (I never have figured out why a cat needs a cradle, but that’s beside the point!)

Step 3:
Next, you will use pointer finger and thumb to grab the perpendicular Xs on both sides, then bring them out and around and under the bottom string, and finally up through the center.

Your friend will slowly release all strings while you open your thumb and pointer fingers, which should now give you the string figure in the shape of the large X.

Step 4:
Next, your friend will use her pointer finger and thumbs to grab the perpendicular Xs again and bring them out and around and under the bottom string, and UP through the center again. You will slowly release all strings and your friend will now have the string figure in the “tractor” shape.

Step 5:
You will use your pinky finger on your right hand to grab the inner string near YOUR LEFT side and pull it to the outside right. Repeat with your left pinky.

Step 6:
Next, take both your pointers and thumbs at the same time and put them down into the triangle made by your pinky finger strings. Move them under the outer strings and up through the center. Open your thumb and pointer, while she releases all the strings again. Be careful NOT to release your pinky string during this step!

Step 7:
This should put you back at the first position again which is the “Cat’s cradle” (although it may look upside down, it won’t matter). Begin again by reaching in from the top to grab the X’s.

The entire exercise can be repeated indefinitely. Just keep grabbing the Xs and bringing them out around and under the outer strings.
For fun you can try speeding it up. See how long you can keep it going!
My video on how to make cat’s cradle string figures is very helpful.
If you don’t have a friend to play this game with, I have a video of a Solo version of Cat’s Cradle that makes all the same shapes, but you don’t have to pass it back and forth. You can keep it going indefinitely too — provided you don’t make a mistake!
I also have a lot of other string figure tutorials on my Momsminivan youtube channel. Please subscribe!