Some people may have the impression that my road trips are always perfect…. that we go singing down the road in perfect harmony, never fighting, never getting bored, arriving on time and never getting lost. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I’m as normal as the rest of you.

My backseat looks like the floor of a teenager’s bedroom at the end of a long trip. Here’s a photo as proof.
I have also posted a few random crazy moments that occured in the back seat of our minivan this summer….
I overheard this conversation between my darling daughters (aka “DD”s) during a game of Battleship on the road:
DD1: Permission to speak freely, Captain?
DD2: Permission granted…
DD1: You are a dork! (laughter galore)
Overheard game of Mad Libs …
body part: Uvula
place: Oscar’s belly button! (Oscar is our dog)
noun: vomit
adjective: vomit-like
adverb: vomitly!
Vomitly? You gotta give ’em points for creativity anyway. Makes me wonder how they would do at Scrabble.
I don’t sweat any of it though. Payback will come someday when they’ll be driving, and I’ll be in the backseat with THEIR kids, inspired to write all kinds of stories titled, “Crazy – Are We There Yet?, or Why Grandma Drinks Wild Turkey“.
Full circle.