
Back Seat Out-Takes

Some people may have the impression that my road trips are always perfect…. that we go singing down the road…

Road Trip Playlist

Here are some suggestions for your road trip playlist! You don’t have to play kid music the entire trip. In…

Crazy – Are we there yet?

“Why Grandma Drinks Wild Turkey” Now I know why my grandmother called herself “Wild Turkey” as her CB “handle” when…

The Mother Ship

The History of This Mom’s Minivans I just bought my third Chrysler minivan. Yes, number THREE.  No, I didn’t own…

L.A. Times Article

MomsMinivan was featured in an article in the Los Angeles Times in the travel section. Here is a copy of…

Evacuation Road Trip

Running from Hurricane Katrina My Family’s Experience Evacuating for Katrina Deciding What to BringSaturday, August 27, 2005, two days day…

New York Times Article

Mom’s Minivan was featured in the New York Times newspaper back in 2002. Here’s a scan of the article! For…