Our cheeky chickens are so plucky that they have their own talk show!
It’s Chicken Chat on MomsMinivan’s Youtube, starring your hosts Bellatrix “Bella” (the pretty one) and Narcissa “Cissy” (the smart one). They love talking squawk almost as much as they love wearing their fabulous outfits and costumes. They are happy chickens and at least one of them even lays eggs.
If you have questions for these fluffy fowls, please post on one of their youtube videos to possibly be included in a future episode. Ask them anything you like! We love our chickens very much, and if we get a lot of thumbs-up, we’ll make more episodes. So, hit thumbs up on youtube if you love chickens!
Chicken Chat Episode 1 – We Talk Squawk! – Let’s get to know us a little. Cissy is the smart, ambitious and has big aspirations for herself as a chicken. Bella is …. pretty! And guess what? Chicken butt!!!
Chicken Chat Episode 2 – Trash Talk the Turkeys! – Bella and Cissy show off their Pilgrim costumes in our Thanksgiving Day special. What’s with all the turkey talk? Chickens are way better than turkeys!
Chicken Chat Episode 3 – No chickens in manger scenes?! What? (Chicken butt!!)

The Christmas episode has a recipe for Christmas omelettes and these birds cry afoul and demand to know why chickens are never featured in manger scenes with the other animals!

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