How to Play Counting Cows (also known as “Cow Poker”)

What’s the best way to count cows?
With a cow-culator, of course!
Here is how to play this classic car travel game. Divide the car occupants into teams – left side and right side. Decide how you will determine when the game will end (time, length of trip, etc). Count the cows you see on your side of the car. If you pass a field full of lots of cows, you’d better count fast! If you pass a cemetery on your side of the car, you lose all your cows — but only if the opposing team calls out “your cows are buried!”.
This game gets interesting when distraction tactics are used to either cause your opponent to miss cows on their side of the road or to miss a cemetery on your side of the road. A white horse can count as a bonus. The team with the most cows wins!
VARIATION: Here is a point system you might like to use to make it a little more challenging: (this was submitted by reader Jack S.):
1) Cows = 1 point each.
2) White Horse = 50 points
3) Chimney by itself (house burnt down) = 50 points each.
4) Peg legged man = 500 points each.
5) Gray mule = 100 points each.
6) Wind mill (out in pasture pumping water) = 50 points each.
7) Sheep or goats (replace cows if none are around) = 1 point each.
8) Cemetery = wipes out points. Start back at zero (0).

Have some more fun with cows and tell some cow jokes while you play!
Cow Jokes:
How does a farmer count his cows?
A: With a cow-culator!
Why do cows have bells?
A: Because their horns don’t work!
How do you keep a bull from charging?
A: You take away his credit card!
What do you call a cow that has no milk?
A: An udder failure!
What do cows do online?
A: They instant moo-ssege each other!
What do cows do to relax?
A: They listen to Moo-sic!
What do you call a cow wearing a crown?
A: Dairy queen!
Where do cows go when they want a night out?
A: To the moo-vies!

Don’t miss all the FREE printable travel games at Momsminivan!

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