Super easy step-by-step instructions for making this gooey substance using only glue and regular liquid laundry detergent!

Easy recipe for slime (also called oobleck, or flubber!)
Here is a super easy recipe to make slime, a gooey substance that is fun to squeeze and play with it. . It only requires two ingredients for this recipe: glue and regular laundry detergent. You probably already have these at your house! You do not need any borax or cornstarch like other recipes (because the laundry detergent already contains Borax as an additive. You can also add some food coloring if you like, but it is not necessary.

You will need:
- Elmers glue (or any white school glue)
- liquid laundry detergent (any brand)
- a bowl
- a spoon or rubber spatula
Step 1. Pour about 1/4 cup of glue into a bowl
You can use a measuring cup to measure it if you like, or you can just estimate it since exact measurements are not necessary. Just get it close.
Step 2. Add about 1 Tablespoon of liquid laundry detergent.
You can use any brand of liquid detergent. We used a generic brand similar to the brand name “Tide” laundry detergent. You can measure it or just estimate the amount. The detergent contains the Borax which is why you don’t need to add any.
Step 3. Stir well
You may need to add more liquid laundry detergent if it seems to be too sticky and isn’t slimey enough. After a few minutes it will take on the nice oooey gooey texture of slime! The longer you work it, the smoother and gooier it will get. It will last for several days if you take care of it.
I often get asked if this will work with powdered laundry detergent.
Have Fun and Use Care
Be sure kids have parent’s permission to make this, and play with it only in designated areas. Store it in a zip lock baggie to use later. This probably is NOT a good game to play in the car on a road trip, but it is a good activity just to keep busy and have fun on a rainy day. Caution: Do NOT get this substance on your carpet or clothing! It is hard to remove especially if it dries. If it is still moist, it can be removed with water and gentle rubbing with a wet wash cloth.
Enjoy this easy to make slime recipe!