How to choose a good car seat pillow so your child’s head doesn’t flop!

The number of travel pillows that have been invented is astonishing. They are made for planes, trains, cars, and car seats. Most are actually adult products, but kids need to comfortable too so that everyone arrives well rested on your travels. It seems like everyone has invented the “perfect” travel pillow.
Not so fast. Read the reviews and you’ll get the truth. Most pillows are fine for heads that flop sideways, but few hold up to task for the forward flopper.
After much research, I found two pillows that users rate the best
The first is rated 4.8 / 5 stars. The key is the chin strap! Users say it is very soft and the best part is the adjustable Velcro strap on the front to prevent the forward-flopping. It’s touted as the comfortable travel pillow for tiny trailblazers. It’s also easy to wash and go.

The other one worth a mention is the BCOZZY Kids Pillow.
It gets a 4.3 / 5 stars on Amazon and has over 1,200 ratings. It’s also a best seller.

If you get either of these pillows and love it, please send me a note below!