The next time you go camping, try this little crafty activity with your kids. This little pet rock activity is super fun.
You will need:
- various colors of acrylic paint (we used some leftover paints from a paint by number set),
- a can of clear coat spray paint
- a glue gun (if you have access to plug it in, otherwise, choose a different kind of glue)
Find your rock. It should be small enough to fit in the palm of your hand or in your pocket.

Look at it carefully. What creature do you see in it? Is the whole rock a creature, or do you just want to use the rock as a canvas to paint a creature? Is it just a fancy painted rock such as polka-dots or stripes? Does it need eyes? (Not all pet rocks need eyes).
Use other materials from nature and glue them to your rock such as acorns & smaller rocks. Our kids even made some unicorn rocks.

When the paint is dry, spray your rocks with clear coat to make them permanent if you are planning to take them home. If you are planning to set them free again, then use only water color paints and no glue.
Here’s our whole collection:

Now you are ready to train your pet rock. Teach it to “stay” and “sit”. Good rock!!