Easy and Loud! Use it to annoy your big brother!

This is a fun origami toy that is easy to make and fun to play. It only requires a regular sheet of printer paper.
When you flick it forward, it makes a loud popping sound. It’s really fun (and annoying!) I also have a video to show you how it works, and includes the steps. Somehow every kid learns to make these in middle school at some point, but why wait!?
Here’s the video — Now let’s get popping..
Steps to make a paper popper:
Step 1. Start with a regular sheet of printer paper. Turn it sideways to the landscape view.

2. Fold the paper in half the long way. Begin your crease in the center of the fold to help keep your edges straight.

3. Unfold it so that you have a crease marking the center of the paper.

4. Fold the top edge down to the center crease.

5. Fold the top edge down to the center crease again. And one more time to create a nice thick flap along the top edge.

6. Fold the flap down one more time along the center crease that already exists.

7. Mark each end of the folded flap with a circle using a pencil. Be sure to mark both ends. This mark is what you will use to see where to hold your popper when you use it.

8. Flip it over and fold the whole thing in half the long way.

9. Now you have your paper popper ready to use!

To load your paper popper, turn it as shown in the photo, with the marks to the bottom left. Hold the right end, and let the left end open up slightly. Push the flap end until it is across the right side. Grab the marks with your thumbs, and make sure the center part can slide freely. Now raise your arm up and pull down quickly for a nice loud POP!

Please watch the paper popper video to see how to use it and make it pop, and subscribe to my youtube channel! Have fun, but don’t get in trouble!

Don’t miss all the Printable Car Games at Momsminivan.com