One of my readers recently sent me this game that her family plays in the car on long trips. They call it “Virtual Hide and Seek”. It’s a great game for the car that only requires your imagination!
Here’s how to play: Pick a place inside your house to hide, and imagine you are there. You can be any size, so you can hide in the silverware drawer, inside the toilet, in the dryer, wherever you can imagine!
Then the others ask yes/no questions only, such as “are you in the kitchen” until they narrow it down to the room, area and then….find you! You can only answer yes or no. Kids love this game because it’s so fun to hide in places you’d not really fit into. Also, eventually everyone feels like a winner with this game since you don’t keep score, and the other players can even work together as a team to “find” you.
You may have to clarify no hiding between walls and in plumbing! (Submitted by reader, Beth K. Thank you!)