About Laurel:
Laurel Regnier is a high school teacher and mother of three who has traveled thousands of road trip miles both as a kid and a mom. She has been writing about family travel and car games on her website MomsMinivan.com since 2001, and has appeared on several radio talk shows as a guest expert on traveling with children, including Radio Disney and Ask Heloise, and as a featured “parent expert” at PBS Parents.com (June 2009, 2010). Her advice has been published in magazines and newspaper articles in the United States and Canada, including the New York Times, USA Today, Parent and Child, Washington Post, Scouting Magazine and many others. (see other media appearances)(site awards).
Why I Created This Site:

The topic of what to do with your children in the car has come up again and again in my many years of participating in online parenting support groups and discussions in the 1990’s when the Internet was a brand new way for people to connect. Parents were often desperate for ideas, and other moms had plenty of advice to share, but there was never one good all-inclusive resource on the topic of traveling with children. So, like the mother of necessity, I created this website in 2001 as a resource for moms everywhere. It was the first one of this topic. My minivans have always been at the heart of our family road trips, so the the name was fitting.
I travel with my children often and have many fond memories of family car vacations as a child, so family fun on the road was a topic I in which I could really pour my heart. The ideas and activities you’ll find here are from my own experiences, or have been sent in by my readers, who have shared their own experiences with their children.
See Me on YouTube!
I have a MomsMinivan Youtube channel that has over 69,000+ subscribers and over 37-million views! It is loaded with fun stuff for kids, and even a few videos of our family chickens. Please subscribe!
Product Reviews
I am currently not accepting product reviews since I am teaching full time at the moment. My chemistry and biology students need my full attention! Please see my Advertising Disclosure Page for more information about my advertising practices.
Contact Me:
Please note: I’m a busy mom with three kids, and I work full time as a high school science teacher! I am on the road a lot and working a lot, and I am often unable to check this email regularly. Also, please understand that I receive a lot of email, so I may not be able to respond to every inquiry. Thank you. 🙂
Email me at Laurel@Momsminivan.com
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At work as a high school chemistry teacher!
