A quick easy car game for the road, or a restaurant
How to play this quick easy car game for the road

It’s drink cup battleship! If you stop for fast food on the road, you can use the plastic drink lids from your meal for this game. Or if you’re like me and you have a strict “only water in the car” rule, you can always finish your drinks in the restaurant and just take the cup lids into the car.
Your battle ship is the button you push down (ie..rootbeer, cola, diet, other). Each person takes turns guessing someone’s “battleship”. The last person with their “battleship” undiscovered wins. You can push the buttons back up and play again and again until the lid breaks. The game is fast and easy. Great for preschoolers and up.
Its great to play while waiting for your food or waiting for your parents to finish eating at a restaurant, too.
Thanks to my friend Juls for sharing this game!
Also be sure to also check out the Momsminivan.com printable version of the more traditional Battleships Game – FREE!
Don’t miss all the other FREE printable travel games at Momsminivan!