This letter from one of my readers literally had me all choked up! Posted below is one of the kindest and most inspirational “thank you” emails I have ever received since I started Momsminivan. I decided to reprint her letter in it’s entirety (with her permission) and include a link to her etsy shop so I can show her some support too. And just so you all know, I could never have made MomsMinivan without my amazing readers, so I have to thank all of you too. –Laurel (momsminivan)

Hi Laurel,
I’m a mom of four. I am always looking for ways to teach my children creativity and how to have fun “unplugged”. I didn’t learn very many of these things growing up because both my parents worked and I rarely had time with them. When they WERE home they would often just sit in front of the T.V. Now in today’s world, the computer can be an even bigger distraction than our generation had with television.
The internet can also be an amazing tool for good. In desperation to find my children fun things to do besides video games I went searching for wisdom from other moms.
I am so thankful that I stumbled across your website! From teaching my children string games, printable games to play in the car and making slime… I’ve loved every bit of the fun things you share!!!
These are things that help us spend more time together as a family. And quality/ quantity time with my kids is worth more than anything money could buy! THANK YOU for making a wonderful difference in my experience of being a mom!
Alicia Rawlins
Come visit my shop: Christian Fine Art
Alicia, Thank you for taking the time to write to me! I can’t tell you how much it means! FYI, Some of the activities Alicia is referring to are from my Momsminivan Youtube channel.