Aaarrrrrrrrrr we there yet? Make the time pass quickly on your long car trip by pretending to be a crew of pirates for the day!
The Interstate is your ocean! To make it even more fun, surprise your crew with this traveling theme, and don’t tell them until just before you leave. Then pass out the pirate bandannas and “order” everyone aboard!

First, Pick a Pirate Persona

The driver is the captain, obviously. Other passengers in the car are always referred to as “the crew”. Crew members are not allowed to call you “Mom” or “Dad”, but can only address them as “Captain” or “Captain Mom”, or whatever you order them to call you. As captain, you can give orders that everyone MUST follow.
Assign a First Mate, Navigator, or Lookout. Crew members can all choose pirate names if they wish. Your vehicle is your ship. Be sure to name it too. Then refer to it all day by it’s name. For example, “Shiver me timbers! It’s time to refuel for The Black Pearl!”.

Dress like Pirates
This is easy. Get some cheap pirate themed bandanas, or any old bandana will probably do. Wear them on your head or around your arm. Make some eye patches with paper and crayons. Designs all kinds of jewelry or a hook with a roll of tinfoil (See my article about Aluminum Foil art for ideas to make accessories and pirate booty.).
Talk like Pirates
Refer to your fellow crew members as “mates”, and be sure to get refills on your “rum” (whatever you happen to be drinking on board your ship). Say things that pirates would say, such as
- Avast! (Looky there!)
- Ahoy! (hello)
- Aye Aye! (yes sir!)
- Abandon Ship! (everybody get out of the car for a pit stop)
- Land Ho! (when you can see your destination)
- Shiver Me Timbers! (when you are shocked or surprised)
- All Aboard!! (time to get back in the car)
- This sounds like mutiny! (when disagreements break out for not listening to the captain!)
- Scallywag (a bad rotten no good person!)
- Sea Rover (a pirate ship)
- Sea Dog (experienced sailors)
- Jolly Roger (pirate flag with skull and crossbones)
- Land Lubber (a person not familiar with sailing)
- Aaaaarrrrrr!!! (whenever the mood hits. Say this after nearly everything)
For example, “Avast ye mates! It’s the Starbucks drive-through that the captain has been seeking! Thar she blows right off the starboard bow !” and, “Yo ho ho, we need to stop and go… … the bathroom.”
Sing Pirate Songs
Have an old fashion car sing along, or download pirate themed songs onto your iPod before your trip and play them in the car. See my pirate song lyrics page for a few of good ones that we love to sing, or print this printable page with some pirate song lyrics (link will open in a new window).
Tell Pirate Jokes
- Why couldn’t the little kid see the pirate movie?
(Because it was rated Arrrrr!) - What is a one-legged pirate’s favorite place for breakfast?
(IHOP) - What happened when the man shook hands with Captain Hook?
(He got the point! Aaaaargh!) - How much does it cost for a pirate to pierce his ears?
(A buck an ear!!! Aaaarrrgh!) - What’s a pirate’s favorite socks?
(Arrrrgyle) - What has 12 arms, 12 legs and 12 eyes?
(A dozen pirates. Aaaarrrrrrr!) - Make up your own. For example: What is a pirate’s favorite fast food restaurant?
(Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrby’s!) - What is a pirate’s favorite letter of the alphabet? (Kids usually answer “R!” to which you respond, “No! ‘Tis the C (sea) they love!”)
- I tell this one to my high school chemistry students: What is a pirate’s favorite element? (they usually answer “Arrrrrrrrgon”, to which I say, “Good guess, but pirates prefer Gold!”)
Watch Pirate Movies
If you’re going to watch movies on your portable DVD player or downloaded to an ipad, stick to the theme. Some great pirate movies for kids could include:
- Pirates of the Caribbean (I, II, and III and more)
- Peter Pan
- Hook
- Muppets Treasure Island
Play All Car Games with a Pirate Twist
Play lots of traditional car games, but keep the pirate theme. For example, if you’re playing Hangman, choose words that are meaningful to pirates such as “Davy Jones Locker” or “Dead Man’s Chest” or “Booty”. If you’re counting cows or doing a travel scavenger hunt, announce “Thar she blows!” whenever you see what you are looking for. Draw pictures of pirates and ships. Draw treasure maps, and pirate flags to decorate the inside of the car. (See my article on how to make a treasure map).
Use your imagination for every aspect of the journey. Take no prisoners, follow the captain’s orders and you’ll be there in no time. Land ho!
For more fun with swashbuckling children, see my article Pirates of Kentucky Lake to read about my family’s adventure on the high seas!