To play
this two-player game, each player holds their hand in a fist and counts
1 - 2 -3 ! After the "3" count, they make one of the hand signals
such as a rock (fist), a paper (flat open hand), or scissors (index and
middle finger extended as scissors). Add the lizard (thumb on bottom
of the four straight fingers that held together like a lizard head), and
Spock (make the Vulcan greeting with a "V" between ring and middle finger).
As an alternative to counting, you can shout "rock paper scissors lizard
Spock!" and throw your option when you say "spock" or right after it (players
should decide this ahead of time). The winner is determined immediately,
and kids think it's fun to act this out -- for example, put your paper
hand over the rock fist, or have the lizard pretend to bite Spock.
of the options has two ways to conquer, and two ways to be defeated.
Rock crushes Scissors or crushes
Scissors cuts Paper or decapitates
Paper covers Rock or disproves
Lizard eats Paper or poisons
Spock vaporizes Rock or smashes