I got such a great letter recently from a reader who had an outstanding road trip! She sent me a list of some of the specific activities from MomsMinivan that were a big hit with her kids, and I thought others might like to know what worked well.

Here’s what she shared:
Dear Laurel (Road Trip Mom!),
“I just wanted to thank you for your great ideas! We went on a roadtrip through Utah/Arizona in October – seeing 4 national parks and “4 corners” along the way. I prepared many things for the kids to do, but the biggest hits were:
- Counting cows game – my kids still say “your cows are dead” whenever they see a cemetery, and finding a man with a peg leg has become a big family joke.
- Fortunately, Unfortunately – they could do this all day.
- Pipe cleaners! My kids made strange hanging contraptions all over the backseat of the car. They want more, more, more!!
- Battleship – The kids love it, we even sent copies of it to a friend in Iraq to share with his soldier friends.
Thanks again – I love your site!!”
I’m so glad I could help! I wish you many happy travels! Readers, if you’re looking for the list of where she got these activities, head over to the article with my BIG list of kids car games. And since this was posted, I have added TONS of printable activities that are totally free and will keep your kids busy and happy for hours. Fun is what it’s all about!