You Sank My Battleship!
Here is a printable battleship template with a grid on it for playing Road Trip Battleship! This a two-player game for older kids who can read numbers and letters.

This is a printable version of a traditional pen and paper battleship game that dates back pre-WWI. It was made into a popular board game in the 1930’s.
Click to open these Printable pages (above)
How to Play:
You can make your own game boards for this by drawing two 10×10 grids for each player. Lable one grid as “my ships” and the other as “enemy ships”. Number each column 1-10, and lable the rows as letters A-J. (Or print the template sheets above).

Plot all of your ships on your grid by drawing an outline of each onto the grid according to its size (ex: size 3 = 3 blocks). Ships may not overlap. Don’t let your enemy see your ships!
Take turns firing upon your enemy by calling out plot points (example: “A-5”) and marking them as “hit” (X) or “miss” (dot) on your enemy ships plot according to your enemy’s reply.
When your enemy fires upon you, say “hit” or “miss”, mark your ships with an X when they are hit. When your ship is sunk, you must say, “You sank my ____!” (fill in the name of your ship type).
The first person to sink all of their enemy’s ships wins!

Print the full size games sheets at the top of the page for examples and instructions. And of course, don’t miss all the other Free Printable Car Games at Momsminivan.com.
For another (quick) road trip battleship fun, try playing Drink Cup Battleship!
And if you still want the traditional version of the Battleship Game it’s easy to find on Amazon. It’s always been a very portable game and actually makes a great game for the car! And if that’s not enough, there is a travel-size version, but users say this travel-sized version of traditional Battleship takes very nimble fingers to play.
Regardless of which version of this game you choose, Battleship is always a winner with kids.